Lipno Lake and Šumava

The Šumava National Park and Protecte Landscape area represent, together with the Bavarian Forest National Park, the largest protecte area in Central Europe.
This protection is motivated by a high natural value of this territory representing a mosaic of unique and menased ecosystems in central Europe.They include mainly large peat lands, glaciál cirques with lakes and thein speciál subalpine flora.Rare are also the local nearly originál forests and mountain spruce forests.

A vast blue water surface admist teh forested Šumava sloped-that is Lipno, the water of which has brought, some fiffty years ago, a quite new life into the quiet Vltavická brázda Furrow. Interesing is also the history of the lumbering village of Lipno wich was initially situated on a granite uplift and then gave its name also to the lake.At the time of its foundation in the 13th century, Lipno was located on a boundary of two quite different landscapes-eastwards was the quiet Vltavická brázda Furrow with large swamps and westwards a deep valley through which the river was wildly running under the Čertova stěna (Devil´s wall )